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Great Shmup and great music too.

Itch just giving me an error when I try to download this. Any ideas anyone? 

How could I make this fullscreen on windows 10? The game is crashing when I try to run in fullscreen

Hey man did you find any solution to this? I have same problem


Unfortunately not :(

love this


Absolutely brilliant game, one of my old favorites dating back to the early 2010s when I was first starting to get into shooting games.  A quick note for anyone running this on modern systems with high refresh rate monitors--  go into custom.exe and set the 60fps hard cap so that you don't have 144fps or worse (I remember a Wine bug with the default logic back in the day where I would get 1000fps or something lol)

you just saved me a lot of headache. thank you

(1 edit)

Top tier SHMUP.


amazing game